German to English technical translation
Translations into English
German to English translations
At PRODOC, qualified engineers and experienced experts translate technical texts. The technical translation German to English plays a particularly important role here.
The language combination German to English is required by almost all customers and for almost all types of documents.

Solutions for efficient English translations

User manuals and datasheets
The PRODOC Fair Price Policy ensures that operating instructions, user mauals, package inserts, and data sheets are translated at favourable prices

Brochures, flyers, newsletters
Use transcreation and direct translation of InDesign files to increase quality and reduce costs – for brochures, flyers, newsletters…

Computer Assisted Translation
CAT tools with built-in translation memory and term base for automatic reuse of translations (CAT=Computer-assisted translation)
German to English translation for many industries
Our German to English translators are technical translators for sensor technology, measurement and control systems, IPCs and network technology and other industries.