Professional translations for providers of technical communication solutions
Industrial PCs (IPC), routers, switches, hubs, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, IO-Link, CANopen, Modbus…PRODOC knows network technology and its products
Companies from the network equipment / IPC sectors have been among our customers since 1992. For this industry, knowledge of current communication standards is mandatory in order to be able to advise customers optimally on documentation tasks.
We translate technical documentation and software into all major languages for network providers.
Our network technology customers are particularly successful in France, Italy and Spain if they offer their documentation in the respective national language in addition to English.
Target languages for IPC / network technology
No legal requirements
In general, there are no requirements for the language in which product documentation must be supplied for network technology products.
Required languages depending on the field of application
In the case of safety-related network products or network technology for potentially explosive atmospheres, the strict requirements of the technical standards apply and the user documentation must generally be translated into the national language.
In other cases, product-specific C standards may also specify requirements for the translation of certain parts of the documentation.
Popular languages
Many manufacturers of network technology products and industrial PCs are based overseas. English is therefore sometimes the source language. PRODOC then provides translations from English into key EU languages. For German manufacturers, we usually translate from German into English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

IPCs / network technology – satisfied manufacturers
Our experience in the field of IPCs and network technology is based on the cooperation with the following customers.
ads-tec GmbH
Battery storage, Energy Management Systems, Industrial PCs
AIT Solutions GmbH
PROFINET monitoring solutions
Bihl+Wiedemann GmbH
ASi safety monitor, AS-Interface network solutions and safety components, Speed monitors, Muting modules, Safe Link safe coupling
Carlo Gavazzi Automation SpA
Sensor technology, Measurement technology, Network components, Switchgear
Charging infrastructure for electromobility, Network technology for robot and machine automation
Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Data processing and control components, Safety sensors, Safety light barriers, Safety switches and interlocks, Machine Safety Services
MOXA Europe GmbH
Network infrastructure components and industrial PCs
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Measurement technology, communication technology, cyber security
PRODOC is a member of the PROFIBUS user organization. We are always on top of things with industrial bus technology and have developed special solutions for translating IODD files and PROFINET GSDML files.

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Weimar
Managing Director
Efficient translation in the IPC / network technology sector
Network technology / IPC are characterized by standards. Therefore, hardware functions are often comparable, so that manufacturers in this area generate unique selling points through the functionality of software.
The fact that device software is available in the user’s language can lead to a decision to buy.
Efficient localization of device software and translation of manuals into as many languages as possible are crucial here.
The following solutions are therefore particularly interesting for network technology customers:

User manuals and datasheets
The PRODOC Fair Price Policy ensures that operating instructions, user mauals, package inserts, and data sheets are translated at favourable prices

Computer Assisted Translation
CAT tools with built-in translation memory and term base for automatic reuse of translations (CAT=Computer-assisted translation)

Software localization
PRODOC localizes all kinds of software most efficiently – device software, application software, help files, etc.
Technical translations for IPC / network technology
The technical translation of product information for all important components in the field of IPC / network technology, such as gateways, routers, switches and access points, is our most important service. Especially in recent times, the translation of websites into Chinese, for example, has become increasingly important.
For technical information on all conceivable network products, we provide translations from German or English into all major industrial languages.
Especially in this IT-related field, software localization is often part of our portfolio.
Quick overview of network technology
Without network technology, which enables communication between as many production components as possible via bus systems, highly automated production in Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things would be unthinkable.
The technology of such networks is obviously not only the basis for the modern automation industry.
As the technical basis of the Internet, it has long been found in almost every private household.
Communication within the network takes place via so-called protocols. The best known include TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol), which are used for the Internet.
There are many other protocols used in the industrial sector, such as PROFIBUS.
In addition, PROFINET is a further development based on TCP/IP.
Both are supported by the PROFIBUS user organization, which is also responsible for other important network technologies such as PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive & Encoder, PROFIenergy and IO-Link.
PRODOC is a member of the PROFIBUS user organization and is active in several associated working groups.
However, there are also specialized network technologies such as AS-interface for safety technology in safety at work or CANopen, which originated from the CAN standard for the automotive industry.
We are constantly dealing with all of these bus technologies in the context of technical translations and are also developing efficient workflows in order to be able to translate configuration files directly. Our articles Translating IODD files and Translating PROFINET GSDML files show specific application examples.
Network architecture and transmission technology
The two key criteria for successful network technology are the network architecture and the transmission technology.
Ethernet is usually used in local corporate and home networks, whereby copper or fiber optic cables are used unless wireless technology is used.
WLAN and mobile networks, which have become an integral part of everyday life, are common technologies for wireless networks.
In critical systems where security plays a decisive role, such as in automotive engineering or in the financial sector, so-called token ring technology is often used, in which token packets are used to determine which system is allowed to send how much data and for how long.
Hardware components of network technology
Besides passive components such as cables and antennas, active components are also required for a functioning network. These include gateways, routers, switches and access points, for example. However, some of these components can also be realized in virtual form.
Quick overview of IPC
In most cases, the structure of an IPC is basically comparable to that of a PC.
However, it fulfills completely different tasks.
In vielen Fällen ist ein IPC Bestandteil von größeren Systemen, in welchen mehrere IPCs sowie alle möglichen weiteren Geräte in Kommunikation treten können.
A robust IPC structure is important
An IPC has to meet much higher demands, both in terms of hardware and software.
An IPC is generally expected to withstand much stronger external influences unscathed, as entire production processes sometimes depend on them.
The breakdown of an IPC should be avoided as far as possible, as this could cause major financial damage.
As a result, they are generally much more expensive than mass-produced PCs for everyday use.
The industrial environment, whether in a production hall or even outdoors, is generally harsh – the electronics of an IPC must therefore be much better protected than those of a PC.
An IPC must also be specially insulated against electromagnetic interference.
Easy maintenance
An IPC must be as uncomplicated as possible to maintain. Ideally, however, maintenance work on the hardware is not necessary because production downtimes must be avoided.
Reliable software
The software of IPCs must also fulfill important criteria. For example, IPC systems must remain stable for as long as possible.
A breakdown can bring a company’s entire production to a standstill, which could result in enormous costs.
Real-time capability
Furthermore, an industrial PC must be able to process process data in real time and be integrated into the existing network.
User friendliness
The operation of IPCs is also a responsible task. Especially when companies operate internationally, it is therefore important for industrial companies to optimize communication and documentation.
High-quality software localization and technical translation, such as those offered by PRODOC Translations, are particularly in demand for the industrial PC sector.
Technical translations for IPC / network technology
Our experience in the field of IPCs and network technology is based on the cooperation with the following customers.
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Dipl.-Kffr. Sanne Jerxsen
Administrative director