Technical translations into German by native speakers
At PRODOC, experts perform professional technical translations in German for many technical sectors.
We have developed solutions for efficient translation and localization. With these solutions we make sure that you get an individual German service at the best price.
Whether you want brochures, manuals or websites translated into German – PRODOC is your perfect partner.
Of course, for translations into German you will also benefit from our certified translation service.
German is spoken by around 90 to 100 million native speakers worldwide, of whom at least 55 million are in the European Union alone. For most of our customers, the corporate language is German. There are, however, some industries where English was introduced as corporate language, for example the German automotive industry. This means that essential documents, manuals and instructions are written in English. These must then be translated from English into German.
Technical translation German
Debate on corporate language
Years ago, when English was to be introduced as the corporate language in German companies of the automotive industry, there was an outcry in the German-speaking world. Wendelin Wiedeking, then head of Porsche, commented in an interview: “Of course, managers can communicate in English. But this is not the case at all working levels. When it comes to details, such as the individual parts of a motor, it is more difficult. It is precisely in these areas that employees have to communicate perfectly, however. And if English or French is the corporate language, you automatically discriminate against all those for whom it is not the native language.”
This earned him praise at the time, but many years later Wiedeking is no longer the head of Porsche and English is now a primary school subject in many places. Companies in German industries such as automotive, renewable energies and mechanical engineering, attach great importance to ensuring that their employees speak the appropriate national language during their assignments abroad. Therefore, the crux of corporate language is the smooth communication between participants of international conferences. If the required documents are created in the respective national language, there is also a need for a translation into German. Here, PRODOC is the ideal partner.
German translations for customers abroad
Some of PRODOC’s customers are not based in German-speaking countries. For the export of products e.g. to Germany, a German technical translation is required. This is an enormous competitive advantage, as users of these products naturally want a manual, datasheet or brochure in their native language.
Translation into German for many industries
Our translators are technical translators in safety at work, renewable energies, sensor systems, automotive and other industries.

Solutions for efficient German translations
Special solutions designed and developed by us ensure that your translations into German are as efficient as possible. You will receive the finished product in German from us and have the advantage of minimal internal administration costs.

Terminology management
Terminology management ensures uniform terminology and reduces costs for the international presence of your company

Computer Assisted Translation
CAT tools with built-in translation memory and term base for automatic reuse of translations (CAT=Computer-assisted translation)

Catalogs and PIM systems
Save costs with multilingual catalogues / PIM systems through intelligent workflows and automation of data exchange

Workflow design
Company-specific workflows for multilingual product information ensure efficient interfaces between departments and translation service providers

User manuals and datasheets
The PRODOC Fair Price Policy ensures that operating instructions, user mauals, package inserts, and data sheets are translated at favourable prices

CMS systems
Efficient translation of texts from CMS systems (Noxum, SCHEMA, TIM-RS...) and in XML formats (XML, DITA, DocBook, iiRDS, S1000D...) using CAT tools

Industry 4.0
In the age of industry 4.0, the presentation of process information for users in their own language is an important sales argument

Software localization
PRODOC localizes all kinds of software most efficiently – device software, application software, help files, etc.

International SEO
To be found is key – international SEO optimization should be a matter of course for your multilingual website!

Technical documentation
We create technical documentation for customers who do not have their own technical editing department or if additional resources are required for specific projects

Brochures, flyers, newsletters
Use transcreation and direct translation of InDesign files to increase quality and reduce costs – for brochures, flyers, newsletters…

Website translation
Translate your website - efficiently and professionally. Copy & Paste was yesterday - today interfaces and integration are required!
Translations into German
Request a quoteWe provide technical translations into German for customers whose corporate language is Italian or English, for example.

Dipl.-Kffr. Sanne Jerxsen
Administrative director