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English-Chinese - technical translation by experts

PRODOC is your competent partner for English-Chinese technical translations in many industries, including drive technology, mechanical engineering, medical and laboratory technology and many other technical fields. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality Chinese technical translations that exactly meet your specific requirements.

At PRODOC, we naturally employ native speakers with technical know-how and relevant expertise to ensure that your technical texts are translated precisely and accurately. Our translators are able to translate specialist texts directly from German into Chinese, which sets us apart from many other translation agencies.

To prove the quality of our Chinese translations, we are happy to offer you a free, non-binding translation sample. We are convinced that you will be impressed by the competence and accuracy of our translators.

Our translation agency for English-Chinese technical translations offers certified services that you can rely on. Numerous satisfied customers have already provided us with impeccable testimonials, underlining our expertise and quality.

To get a transparent overview of the costs you can expect for your Chinese translations, simply use our practical price calculator below. At PRODOC, we are committed to providing you with top-quality English-Chinese technical translations that exceed your expectations.

  • Technical translators
  • Native speakers
  • Industry experience since 1992
  • ISO 17100 certified

Translations from English into Chinese with PRODOC

In addition to translations from English, PRODOC also provides you with high-quality technical translations from German into Chinese.

Our native-speaker translators are well qualified for marketing translations from German into Chinese. We supply you with ready-formatted Chinese Indesign files, among other things, which saves you a lot of work.

For technical German – Chinese translations, we provide you with preformatted Famemaker files translated into Chinese. Data from content management systems such as ST4 are part of our daily business.

Do you need a Chinese translation?

PRODOC is your contact for accurate Chinese translations by native speakers!

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English-Chinese technical translations

While Chinese is very much in demand today, whereas before the turn of the millennium it was still rather an exotic language.

As a result, excellent technical translations from English or German into Chinese are a clear sign of quality in terms of language for Chinese trade partners.

German to Chinese - Photo Chinese

Solutions for efficient Chinese translations

Chinese as a factor for success

The Chinese economy continues to grow, albeit not as strongly as in previous years. And the Chinese value the Germans as a trading and economic partner despite major cultural differences. Language builds bridges to business partners and customers. Therefore, the translation from English to Chinese is equally a bridge builder.

In the past, China was more of a supplier with its high labor potential. In contrast, the country is now considered an attractive sales market. The market for English-Chinese translations is growing accordingly. This also applies to the technology sector in particular.

We at PRODOC recognize this too. This is why the English-Chinese language combination is one of the most popular in our translation agency.

Challenges for English-Chinese translators

China is a huge empire with a very long history. This is also reflected in the language. More than one billion people speak Chinese today. But a unique Chinese does not exist. The spelling system comprises more than 12,000 characters.

Nowadays it is written in two versions:

  • in the traditional, sometimes very complex characters, and
  • in the simplified characters introduced in thescript reform of 1956.

Chinese is based on a syllabic alphabet. Futhermore, latin letters were also integrated as economic contact with Western cultures increased. Therefore, the sound of the characters is transmitted using these letters.

Moreover, translation from English into Chinese is made more complex by numerous dialects. Of course, China also has a high-level language, Mandarin. However, only 73% of Chinese people speak this variant.

There are also seven main dialects, which are subdivided into numerous sub-forms. Dialects that are also spoken in large economic centers are particularly important. This refers to Cantonese.

Therefore, the challenge in technical translation from English into Chinese lies not only in the script. In addition, “Mandarin or dialect” is an important decision. Because there is no such thing as the translation into Chinese, there is also no such thing as the translator.

English Chinese - House image

English – Chinese translator

The Chinese are very performance-oriented. They are very critical when it comes to translations from English into Chinese. They do not forgive mistakes. Therefore, the translator must be absolutely accurate. This applies to language aspects such as typical formulations and established idioms. Cultural aspects of the language are also important.

PRODOC not only translates from English into Chinese, but also from German. So if you want to translate German into Chinese, you don’t have to take the indirect route via English. This is not the case with the PRODOC translation agency for German-Chinese. Our translators are native speakers. They can translate directly from German into Chinese.

Among other things, we translate:

These translations from English into Chinese require language skills at the level of a native speaker. Our translators always have a technical background. In this way, we ensure that even complex correlations are always understood correctly. This means that they are also translated correctly.

Chinese is written in horizontal lines from left to right. Therefore, no changes need to be made to the layout for the font direction and captions. This also simplifies the adaptation of websites, user interfaces and other digital products when we translate them from English into Chinese.

Our solutions for high-quality English-Chinese translations

Special solutions developed by PRODOC help to ensure that the English-Chinese technical translation runs efficiently and delivers a high-quality result. You receive the files and documents translated into Chinese from us and have minimal internal administrative work.

Translations into Chinese

Technical translations into Chinese are a must, as the Chinese language is currently spoken by around 1.3 billion people.

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Sanne Jerxsen

Dipl.-Kffr. Sanne Jerxsen

Administrative director